Congratulations to our client, Tyler Casertano, Head of the Haverford School, whose appointment was renewed for an additional five-year term.
We were privileged to represent Mr. Casertano in his contract renewal process.
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Congratulations to our client, Tyler Casertano, Head of the Haverford School, whose appointment was renewed for an additional five-year term.
We were privileged to represent Mr. Casertano in his contract renewal process.
The turn of the year roughly coincides with the conclusion of organized searches for the new leaders of Colleges, Universities and Independent Secondary Schools. These new Presidents, Chancellors or Heads of School, as the case may be, will start their new employment... Read More
I relish lists of books enjoyed by friends and acquaintances, and it seems that many of my readers do too, hence this annual diversion from commentary on the academic employment law which is the bread and butter of our legal practice.
The... Read More
A young, newly-appointed College President was referred to us for legal representation, and had an initial telephone conversation with me. I could tell that the pressing question on his mind, although never directly expressed, was “I have just been offered an executive... Read More
One unusual feature of the executive employment relationship is that while an employer promises to provide a job for a set term of months or years on pain of having to pay the executive’s compensation, the executive is not obligated to stay... Read More
The late Jim Camp, author of Start With No (subtitled “America’s Number One Negotiating Coach Explains Why Win-Win Is An Ineffective, Often Disastrous Strategy, And How You Can Beat It.”), one of my favorite books on negotiation, insists that every good negotiation... Read More
Late Spring traditionally brings with it the negotiation of renewal contracts for successful sitting college or university Presidents or Heads of an independent school.
First, some context:
An oft-repeated family story is my younger daughter’s reaction, half in amusement and half in... Read More
Congratulations and best wishes to our client, Dr. Mark Brown, Major General U.S. Air Force (retired), on his appointment as President of Tuskegee University.
We were privileged to represent Dr. Brown in his Presidential contract negotiations.
Congratulations and best wishes to our client, Dr. Thom D. Chesney, on his appointment as President of Southwestern College and New Earth Institute.
We were privileged to represent Dr. Chesney in his Presidential contract negotiations.
Congratulations and best wishes to our client, Dr. Sylvia Torti, on her appointment as the seventh President of College of the Atlantic.
We were privileged to represent Dr. Torti in her Presidential contract negotiations.